Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose". Eccl 3.1

Tuesday 2 July 2013

A Father's Gift

Today 2nd July,  is my Father’s 23rd anniversary.  My big, strong, wonderful father whose presence filled a room and who made his eight children, feel secure both emotionally and physically.  He was always there for us. He taught his daughters to insist on being treated well by their boyfriends and husbands. He protected and valued us and in return we valued ourselves. He treated all girls and women with respect, particularly my Mother.

My first love was my Father. I believe that he taught me to value myself and he always made me feel very secure. I also had loving and kind relationships with my brothers. I have always felt and continue to feel psychologically, emotionally and physically strong, and I attribute this to my Father. 

Many years ago, following my usual Christmas performance of O Holy Night at the Christmas party, a male colleague out of the blue, asked me “where did I get my confidence”.  Without thinking, I said my Father. I surprised myself with the answer, as I had never thought about it before. 

So a very very belated thank you Daddy, for the special gift you gave me, a gift I didn't realise I had, until you were gone.   We all still love and miss your guiding light every day.

Your loving daughter. 

Siobhán Ní Shúilleabháin

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