Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose". Eccl 3.1

Tuesday 26 August 2014


Machine sewn hexagons went together very accurately and look very neat. I prefer the look of the whole hexagons over the strips of half hexagons.

Half hexagons sewn together.

Machine sewn hexagons, quick and matched better than by hand.
The top Hexies are halves and sewn in strips while the ones underneath
are whole and will be sewn together on the sewing machine.
I bought a lovely charm pack and two of the colours called to be separated from the pack and urged me to use them immediately.  They are a beautiful shade of green and mauve. I searched in my fabric collection to find similar shades and was lucky to have a few very nice fat quarters.  I have made English paper piecing hexagons before, this time I decided to try a quicker method.  I started cutting out the hexagon shapes and before long had a nice selection for two projects, maybe a cushion and a teacosy.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Afternoon Tea

Oh! yet
Stands the Church clock at ten to three?
And is there honey still for tea?              

From the peom "The Old Vicarage"
Written in 1912 by Rupert Brooke who died  later on the Western Front.
Tea, a most civilised meal, it just can't be hurried!
I found this lovely little poem on Pinterest. 
 We would usually have scones, jam and cream. 
It was my birthday a few days ago and I love going out for tea.  Today, my sister is having afternoon tea for me.  There will be six of us, family bliss, drinking tea, eating yummy sandwiches, cake, buns or hopefully, my favourite baked scones with butter, raspberry or strawberry jam and lashings of thick cream. I am also looking forward to being in Harrogate, England, next month, where we always go to Betty's for either a scrumptious breakfast or afternoon tea.  Life doesn't get any better than these simple pleasures.

I love the Pharrell William's song 'Happy' out now, today I think I'll request that we all sing or play this lively little song instead of Happy Birthday and we can all dance to the tune and be very Happy and grateful that we are all together.

Two of the cheery lines from the song say: Because I'm Happy - Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth, Clap your hands, if you feel like that's what you want to do. What a great song.  The words are very powerful as you instantly feel uplifted.  I hope you are feeling happy and if you're not, then do something you love, even if it's playing with the dog, you will start to feel better.

I love this quote, I know I keep using it, but it is so true that I like to remind myself of it often. 

We are all so blessed living in this part of the world. There are people living in nightmare situations in other parts of the world, so say a prayer for them and let us be thankful for all we have. Because as I read once in one of Wayne Dyer's inspiring books "Happiness is something we decide on ahead of time". 

So today, I hope you choose to be Happy.

Happy Wednesday.


Tuesday 12 August 2014

August Alchemy

As the weather is beginning to change and with September just around the corner, it's important not to let lovely August slip by without enjoying it fully and making the most of the last days of the Summer, particularly if you've had your holidays. So today, I decided to play house with my gorgeous collection of Burleigh. I love nice china and Burleigh is one of my favourites.  It goes with everything and makes my heart sing when I see it displayed beautifully on my dresser.

A Dresser filled with shining Delph
Beautiful Cosmos from the garden
It was a very changeable day, starting off with beautiful sunshine, followed by dark clouds and showers all afternoon.  Hence, my reason for changing around my kitchen dresser . I also cleaned out and re-arranged my cupboards.  Last Saturday morning my husband woke me with the customery cup of tea and said he had a surprise downstairs.  When I opened my cupboards I was thrilled to find that he had put up some space saving baskets on my kitchen unit doors. It reminded me of the elves and the shoemaker, as the night before my cupboards were without these little miracles, but magically in the morning, there they were neatly aligned and ready to accommodate whatever I wished to put on them. They are terrific and now all is in order again.  Like my Mother before me, I am a bit OCD about my cupboards.  I like everything in it's place.

Spices neatly stacked for convenience 
As my husband has taken to cooking in earnest and will cook maybe a couple of times a week, he can rummage in peace with these handy spice racks inside the doors of my cupboards.  They accommodate the extra spices and other sundry items needed for his recipes. He can now see at a glance what he needs and all is well again!!

Over the last few years my husband's  tastes have changed, he now likes a lot of spicy food.  I still prefer my mashed potatoe, garden vegetables with whatever meat or fish we are having, and of course lots of delicious Irish butter. However, I always appreciate being handed a delicious meal., whatever that happens to be.