Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose". Eccl 3.1

Sunday 8 December 2013

Blessings for the Festive Season.

The Festive Season is upon us once more.  Life flows on here and all is well, thank God.  I am so glad that I started making handmade gifts (with a few machine sewn ones as well), earlier in the year for this Christmas. Following the awful pains in my arm in July and subsequent surgery, I don't know where I'd be, if I hadn't made a few items at least, particularly after promising everyone last year that I would make Christmas decorations. The first of this year's Christmas family 'get-togethers' is lunch next Saturday at my niece's house.  It's an all Girls lunch where we exchange gifts.

With busy schedules and babies it is getting harder to see everyone, so this is a very welcome and lovely gathering.  We used to have a tradition of a 'Present Night' in one of my sister's houses for all the family, up to a few years ago.  As the children grew up and some got married, it became difficult to get everyone together the week before Christmas. All are grown up now, so my niece has begun a new tradition of gathering her sister, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephew to lunch to celebrate the Festive Season in her lovely home.

Here are a few samples of the gifts I have made. There are still a few finishing touches to do. I hope they like them.

A little hand embroidered heart for my lovely neice.  The pattern was free from a lovely inspiring blog called
Cindy at her Country Home. 

Handmade decorations made from a pattern by Daisy Chain Designs which I bought at the
Festival of Quilts in Birmingham.
More little decorations
Pixie houses from Helen Phillips book and my own felt holly decorations.
Teacosy and matching heart made with Lakehouse Tea Fabric
Teacosy and matching Mat made with Clarke and Clarke material and little pixie house made from scraps.
Three little peg bags below:

I am really looking forward to spending the day with my special niece, whose hospitality and generosity are so appreciated.  She loves her family and makes such an effort with us all, despite her demanding job and busy life. How blessed we all are.

I hope this Christmas brings special blessing to all..  May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may his light shine upon you and may he be gracious unto you


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