Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose". Eccl 3.1

Thursday 24 December 2015

Happy Christmas

"Love one another as I have loved you". Jesus Christ' message to the world, even though he was humiliated, tortured, persecuted and killed by his own people". He didn't give a message of hate or violence.  His message was and still is one of peace and love.

It is Christmas once more, the most wonderful time of the year. A time of peace and love. I love the true spirit of Christmas. The kindness and love in people who know the true meaning of the word.  Christmas feels clean and full of possibilities. It gives us hope and peace.

I am just home from Midnight mass, where we had a beautiful service including a Carol Service.

I have all the preparation done for tomorrow.  We'll get up early and ramble down to the sitting room to open our presents. Then we'll sit and chat by the fire, I love the fire lighting and the lovely glow and atmosphere it creates. It is gas, I might add, it looks real, but with none of the mess.  We'll sit enjoying each other's company and the pleasure at being given the perfect gift.  We all make a special effort to ensure that our presents are a surprise and something each of us wants.

I have always tried to make Christmas morning magical and special, even long after the children had grown up and left home. They still stay over each year, so far, long may it last, and Christmas morning is exciting once more.

We all love Christmas, With the house beautifully decorated and twinkling lights everywhere creating a magical feel around the house. The crib, the story of the baby Jesus, the Carols, the stockings hanging on the mantlepiece. The smell of the honey roasted Ham always done on Christmas Eve so that it's ready to eat and cooked for Christmas dinner to join the Roast Turkey.  The freshly baked mince pies and the trifle.  The presents wrapped and under the tree. Carols and lovely stories on my favourite Christmas television specials from RTE and Kings College, Cambridge. Wonderful!

I love the old films like "It's a wonderful life", a good Bette Davis like "The man who came to dinner". Miracle on 34th Street and A classical Charles Dickens or similar type. It all adds to the festivities and really keeps you in the Christmas spirit. Hopefully one or two of my favourites will be shown sometime over Christmas this year.

Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas.


Sunday 25 October 2015


This Autumn has been a wonderfully colourful one, thank God. It brings to mind John O'Donghue's words from his book "Beauty" where he writes so eloquently that" :

"Beauty does not linger, it only visits. 
Yet beauty's visitation affects us and invites us into its rhythm;
It calls us to feel, think and act beautifully in the world: to create and live a life that
awakens the Beautiful. 
A life without delight is only half a life". 

May we all look around us and take stock, and we will find beauty and joy in abundance, however fleeting. 

Friday 14 August 2015

The Festival of Quilts 2015

I spent Thursday 6th August at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham and  had a great day. I saw some amazing quilts, visited some gorgeous stands and bought some really lovely material.  Below are a few photos I took along the way. 

The Alice Caroline stand  withy beautiful selection Liberty
material and lovely ideas and patterns 

Alice Caroline quilt

Beautiful Irish Chain Quilt from MessyJessy
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Monday 6 July 2015

♫I love Paris when it Sizzles♫.Birthday Surprise!

I packed my Sunday best and was ready for a weekend away in a forecast heat-wave in Paris, for what I thought was a corporate dinner in Paris with my husband's company on Friday night. While enjoying my first cup of tea of the day at the airport around 6am, my Daughter and Son appeared at my table 'surprise surprise, we're all taking you to Paris for your Birthday' - which by the way is not until August. I was completely taken aback and didn't know what to say. I felt shocked and delighted at the same time. 

A river cruise at the Eiffel Tower, a lovely way to spend an hour or two in Paris.
They had all carefully and meticulously planned this (my husband included), Birthday surprise for me. A few days and nights together was the best birthday present I could wish for.  My children have their own very busy fulfilled lives. Although, like their wonderful Father, they drop everything for the family. My wonderful daughter is married with a baby and a demanding job and my wonderful Son also works at a very demanding and busy job which involves quite a bit of overseas travel. So, I really appreciated their time, their company, their generosity ( I was spoiled rotten, and not allowed to put my hand in my pocket for the entire weekend, so to speak!), and of course most importantly their, and my husband's, unconditional love for me.  I feel so blessed and overwhelmed with gratitude for such a wonderful family. I use the word 'wonderful' to describe them, because that is what they all are.

Excuse me while I digress, I would like to say a special 'Thank you' to David and Maria, my Daughter's husband and my Son's partner, for their support and secrecy in this matter. David had full responsibility and care of their beautiful daughter over the weekend and Maria was left without her lovely man.

Back to our weekend away. On arrival in Paris, with the sun splitting the stones, we made our way to the Seine River Cruise by the Eiffel Tower, my husband's idea I believe, for a fabulous (air conditioned), tour of Paris, and a four-course lunch with wine and starting with Aperitifs. We had a truly scrumptious lunch, at a private table by the window, I felt like Royalty. While we were being wined, dined, photographed and entertained we cruised past the Place de l'Opera, Place de la Concorde, Champs-Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe, Notra Dame Cathedral, and many more Paris landmarks. Wow, it was so relaxing, comfortable and really lovely, so much so that I didn't want to leave.

We then headed to our Apartment hired for the weekend, not too far from the Arc de Triomphe this part was organised by my daughter who also booked the flights, cruise and tickets for the entire weekend on the Metro. The Apartment was clean, convenient and very comfortable where we stayed until Sunday. Delicious Croissant and Pain au Chocolat were bought fresh each morning by her from the boulangerie/pâtisserie at the corner.

Arc de Triomphe
My son booked all the restaurants for our stay in Paris. With him leading the way, we began our evening on Friday with Aperitifs at a very fashionable, trendy and extremely elevated restaurant/bar in the George Pompidou Centre with fantastic rooftop views of Paris - breathtaking.

Centre Georges Pompidou is a complex building in the Beaubourg area of the 4th arrondissement of Paris.
We then headed for Montmartre, a large hill in Paris's 18th arrondissement, for dinner. We had a lovely meal at a very nice Restaurant called Sacree Fleur. The food was very good and we all had delicious meals, which included starters of frogs legs in garlic and another of snails in cream sauce - delicious.We arrived back at our apartment, tired, but exhilarated, after a great start to our trip. We all slept like logs and woke refreshed ready for a busy Saturday sightseeing.

First stop on Saturday was to visit the Palais of Versailles a place I had always wanted to visit, but hadn't given myself enough time before. The weekend was perfectly planned and organised and we spent the entire beautiful day at Versailles.

The gilded gates at the entrance to Versailles
The Palais of Versailles - a Royal Château with magnificent gardens was fabulous. We had to queue, but that was to be expected. The usher said we'd be queuing for about an hour and a half, but it was only 45 minutes, which was great.

One of the many exquisite fountains in the gardens at Versailles
One of the many paintings at Versailles
A lovely painting of Marie Antoinette with her children painted by a friend of hers.
One of the vibrant tapestries at Versailles
Beautiful doors throughout the palace.
My favourite room was Marie Antoinette's bedroom and the Hall of Mirrors is pretty spectacular. The paintings and fresco ceilings are beautiful and the history of the palace is very very interesting.
Marie Antoinette's Bedchamber
Marie Antoinette's bedroom with magnificent canopy over the bed.
Beautiful Canopy over Marie Antoinette's bed.
Beautiful embroidered couch with hand embroidered cushions in Marie Antoinette's bedroom. 
The Hall of Mirrors 
One of the fabulous ceilings at Versailles
Another magnificent ceilings at the Palace
Following our tour of the palace, we had a light lunch in the restaurant. The Angelina restaurant (a branch of the one Coco Chanel had her morning coffee at each day in Paris), was full so we opted for the more ordinary cafe with seating adjacent to where the food was displayed.

We then ventured out into the scorching heat and sunshine, hat, sun cream and water at hand ready to explore the magnificent gardens. Magnificent they certainly are. Strolling around the gardens is heaven, the beautiful gilded fountains, the trees and walkways, surrounded by the magnificent palace.  There is Baroque music playing through the trees, it sets an atmosphere of calm, timeless elegance as people stroll and take in the beauty all around. One feels a little of what it was like to stroll the grounds of Versailles with your lady-in-waiting by your side, pure bliss.  People are meandering in and out of little labyrinths exploring, when the odd person becomes so exhausted they sit on the grass - this is a real No No - if one dares to sit on the grass, the guards have no mercy, they blow their whistles and signal to get off, the unsuspecting person gets embarrassed and exits immediately.  We took our time and took it all in. It was a really lovely day out.
A few souvenirs to remind me of my lovely day at the Palace of Versailles
After leaving Versailles, we sat at a lovely little place for cocktails before heading back to get ready for dinner.  A few mojita's later, we were all very relaxed and running out of time, so we went straight to the restaurant my Son had booked for dinner.  This time we ate at a Restaurant called Bistrottes in a different part of Paris called Plaisance, but each district I noticed had different people and a different feel and atmosphere. We had another gorgeous meal here - we all had exactly the same starter, main course and desserts and then got a taxi back to the apartment after having a terrific day.  The staff at each restaurant were so nice and the food delicious.

Sunday morning began with our usual French breakfast, then we finished packing, cleaned and tidied the apartment and left at 10am. Firstly, my Son suggested that we go to Gare du Nord a large train station where we could leave our cases, before heading to Notra Dame Cathedral for 11.30 morning mass. We arrived at 11.28 and there were crowds of people queuing. We went up to a man at the entrance to the church and he pointed us straight into Mass. My husband and I were lucky enough to get front row seats, given to us by a church clerk when we walked to the top of the church. Our daughter and son were a little further back. The church was full. Mass was wonderful, the choirs and the mass were beautiful, we lit a few candles and said prayers for loved ones as well as giving thanks for being so fortunate. Notra Dame was packed with tourists and visitors, who queued to get in to look at Mass and the inside of the Catherdral.  They were allowed to enter and walk very quietly around the periphery of the church while Mass was going on.  I am proud to say that everyone was quiet and respectful throughout the Mass. It was really nice to see people behave so dignified.
We attended 11.30am Mass on Sunday Morning - beautiful singing with choirs.
After Mass we had lunch reservations at yet another Restaurant called Le Maree Jeanne, in Etienne Marcel, this was a seafood restaurant down a little road. It served very nice unusual seafood dishes and the staff again were helpful and friendly. This great little restaurant was off the main thoroughfare, so could be missed easily. The main street was alive with what looked like more great restaurants packed with lively young people enjoying their Sunday lunch. There was a great atmosphere in this area. I wished we had more time to spend at each place we passed. While perusing the menu and trying to work out what each meal was, very kind French people at the next table offered to translate, at this point the waiter came to our table and did the honours. The family were locals having Sunday lunch, they lived around the corner, I noticed the brightly coloured bicycle across the road and later discovered it belonged to the Mother who had parked it opposite their table where she could keep an eye on it.  We had a lovely chat with them and they made some suggestions for sightseeing, then the Mother drew a map directing us walk to Place Des Vosges, a beautiful park, in a bustling beautiful area with small lovely restaurants and shops which stay open on Sundays, unlike a lot of French shops. We found the French people we met very very nice, we found them to be friendly, kind and helpful, even going out of their way to help and guide us.

Place des Vosges, Paris

Place Des Vosges, Paris.
After lunch and enjoying visiting Place Des Vosges we decided to take the Metro to the Champs de Elysees to soak up the atmosphere. After leaving the Metro we went for a short stroll and sat down in the Tuileries Garden, a public garden located between the Louvre Museum and the Place de la Concorde in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. The sun was shining and Paris looked glorious. We then did a little bit of shopping and spent the remaining time sipping coffee while people watching in a lovely cafe on the Champs de Elysees before making our way around 6pm to the airport.

Tuileries Garden in Paris
Laduree Rose perfume - it may not be a macroon, but it smells just as delicious.
I had such a lovely weekend and am still on a high today, filled with love for my husband and children for making me feel so special. I don't like surprises, but in this case I'll make an exception, and of course, I still have my birthday in August to look forward to, when maybe I'll surprise them.

We were looked after exceptionally well by our Daughter and Son while on our family outing to Paris. We were pampered, escorted and guided with care, everywhere - we didn't have to think. Like any excellent team, the organisers carried it out perfectly like the professionals they are.  I don't know how to thank them (but, I am sure I'll think of something!!), for making me feel so special, so spoiled and most importantly so loved.

All weekend my husband and I just followed as our children led us to one treat after another.  Now there's a turn up for the books!

Sunday 14 June 2015

Handbag Love

A light Summer handbag I made from lovely Olivades fabric, which I bought in Aix en Provence a couple of years ago. 

A few more handbags I made recently. The red and blue one is made from a lovely cheater material.  I made the handbag, notebook cover, tissue holder and Iphone case all from a half yard of this nice material.

Handbag with matching notebook cover, tissue holder and Iphone case.
Up close
A colleague asked me make a handbag for her daughter in purple or pink. I decided to make a few versions and let her choose. She choose the purple one. I'll keep the others for my charity craft sale later in the year.
Purple patchwork handbag - a gift for a colleague's daughter.
Pink version of patchwork child's bag.
Another version of the pink patchwork little girl's handbag. 
Another pretty handbag for a  little girl.
The back of the bag.

Monday 1 June 2015


Today, 1st of June is the start of our Summer here in Ireland.  A disappointing start, I might add, as it's been pouring rain for most of this bank holiday weekend. We Irish are a bit obsessed with the weather, we hope and pray for some fine sunny weather over the Summer months dv!
Foxglove - resplendent pink.
(As children my Father used to call it the "Fairy Thimble"). 
However, there is so much to look forward to like our forthcoming holidays in France (well one has to ensure that one gets an adequate amount of sunshine before the long cold winter months start again!). Also there are family gatherings/barbecues and picnic days out to plan and look forward to.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Creative moment.

I made this little bib for my Granddaughter yesterday evening.  It was pouring rain all day, so it was a perfect way to spend the hours. I made up a template and I like the way it turned out. I quilted it to make it sturdy.
A pretty little bib for my very special Granddaughter.