Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose". Eccl 3.1

Friday 31 January 2014

Peter Rabbit Baby Quilt

My granddaughter was born prematurely (4 weeks early) on 11 January. We are all overjoyed. She is so petite and beautiful. The first grandchild on both sides. My daughter and her husband are over the moon and the other grandparents, like ourselves, are finding it hard to stay away from her. I feel that I have "fallen in love" again, as I have that loving feeling since she was born, and every time I see her, it gets stronger. It's wonderful.

I decided to try to make a quilt for our beautiful little girl. Following my surgery, I am doing very well, but had a set back when I over exerted myself.  I ache very easily, and am a bit frightened of over doing it at anything, in case I bring on or bring back the awful pain.  

However, this is one quilt I have to make.

So I started slowly to make a pretty little bunny rabbit quilt. I used Peter Rabbit squares, a four patch made out of delicate pink, kind of toile pattern peter rabbit material and a lovely Susan Branch material, I picked up both (in anticipation of having a future grandchild), at the 2012 Knitting and Stitching Show in Dublin.

The cutting and bending puts the most strain, so I have to take a lot of breaks. I am doing it, a little at a time, and in the words of Andrew Carnegie "all's well and all grows better". Here's how I am getting on :

Blocks of squares and 4 patch made for Peter Rabbit Baby Quilt.
Assembling the best design
Sewn together and ready for a border.

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