Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose". Eccl 3.1

Saturday 31 August 2013

Last of the Summer flowers.

The sweet pea are still blooming and fragrant.  Our Agapanthus didn't bloom this year, we had 21 flowers last year. The weather is still lovely thank God.  Today is the 31st August 2013. I don't know where the year has gone.  The schools have reopened and next week my friends and I will start planning our autumn and winter pursuits.  There will be evening classes to select, hobbies to resume and in my case, back to sewing and choir and choir practice with routine for another year. 

I spent yesterday in the garden enjoying the late August sunshine.  I took a few photos on my Iphone, to remember it by.
Enjoyment doesn't get any better than beautiful late August sunshine in the garden.
Sweet pea in a jug, Oh the beautiful smell!
Fill the house before they're gone!
Even the ladybird was enjoying the sunshine, isn't she gorgeous. I love to see ladyybirds.
 They are a real sign of nice weather.

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